Body Recon
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Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world and we are four times more likely to develop a skin cancer than any other type of cancer. It occurs when skin cells are damaged, most commonly by exposure to UV rays from the sun or sunbeds. Approximately 2 out of 3 Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer before the age of 70 and over 2000 Australians died from skin cancer in 2011.

Evidence suggests that the effects of UV exposure are cumulative, meaning that the risk of developing skin cancers increases with age. Having said that, melanomas and BCCs can be seen in people under 20 years of age.

Any new or changing lesion, lump or sore which has not gone away after a few weeks should be examined by an experienced doctor and a sample (biopsy) taken, if necessary, to confirm the diagnosis. Your general practitioner can do this for you and they should be your first point of contact.


You can just get a straight augmentation however Dr Rahdon will always give you his specialist opinion as to which operation will be best for you. Sometimes an augmentation mastopexy is the only option to achieve the desired result and Dr Rahdon won’t perform surgery if he feels that you won’t be satisfied with the outcome – he wants you to love your breasts.

If a mastopexy is required and not performed, the implants will usually sit correctly but the breast will hang too low, creating an undesirable shape and leaving an unsatisfying result.

If this is the surgery you require, Dr Rahdon will usually perform both procedures together. Sometimes however, the procedures need to be done a couple of months apart, e.g. with severe ptosis/sag.

The Benelli “Doughnut” The incision is made around the perimeter of the areola only, which is why this technique is technically referred to as the “peri-areolar” incision; also called a “Benelli” lift. This technique is suitable for women with a mild degree of sagging, however it is not recommended for women with a lot of ptosis as the shape of the breast can be compromised in this situation- often causing flattening of the breast and leading to enlarged areolas.

The “Anchor” Incision

The incision is made around the perimeter of the areola, vertically down from the areola to the breast crease, and horizontally along the breast crease – known as an “anchor” incision. This technique is suitable for women with more significant sagging who will not be helped sufficiently by other less invasive techniques. This incision is the most used technique, and may used for a breast lift in conjunction with a breast reduction. 

The Le Jour “Lollipop”

The incision is made around the perimeter of the areola and vertically down from the areola to the breast crease – also known as a “keyhole” incision. This technique can produce better shape to the breasts and give a better vertical scar, however is only suitable in patients with mild sag/ptosis.

As with methods used in breast augmentation surgery, the type of implant used will also vary with each individual. Dr Rahdon favours silicone implants that are made of a silicone shell and filled with a cohesive silicone gel. There is no evidence to suggest that silicone implants increase your risk of breast cancer, connective tissue disorders or autoimmune disease. Modern silicone implants are far superior to saline implants in terms of feel, shape and longevity. It is for these reasons that silicone implants represent by far the majority of implants used for breast augmentation in Australia today. Some types of texturing implants can be related to ALCL- a very rare type of lymphoma.

The implants available differ in shape, texture, profile, width, height and volume. The type, style and size of breast implants are determined by your lifestyle, body contours, the amount of breast tissue you have, and the cup size and appearance that you would like to achieve. Dr Rahdon will spend as much time as required to determine which implant is best for you. At Body Recon we are also able to offer you a trial of fitting different implant sizes to help work out what looks and feels right for you. If you’s rather avoid implants all together, then fat grafting may be an alternative option for augmentation.

Augmentation mastopexy addresses size, shape and position of the breasts. Often this is a complaint women can have after breast feeding or significant weight loss. Volume of the breast can vary, some women may have very small breasts with ptosis, others may have a larger breasts but as a result of ptosis lack volume at the top of the breast. 

Not everyone is suitable for a breast augmentation mastopexy. Following a thorough analysis of your medical history and a clinical consultation, suitability for breast augmentation mastopexy will be assessed by Dr Rahdon. Certainly you will need to be in good general health and within a healthy weight range.

During your consultation Dr Rahdon will discuss the breast surgery options available to you and educate you on which surgery would be the best choice to create your desired breasts.

The operation is performed under a general anaesthesic and takes about two to three hours. The operation is usually done as day surgery but occasionally an overnight stay in hospital may be required. Dr Rahdon avoids using drains. You will have neat, waterproof dressing tape and be able to shower a day or two after surgery.

After the surgery you will need to wear a compression bra to help with your recovery and reduce any swelling. This garment is to be worn for six weeks, after which time you may wear whatever you choose. A week or two off work is recommended as you may be a bit sore for the first few days. Usually pain can be well managed with either endone or regular paracetamol tablets. Vigorous exercise should be avoided for the first few weeks.

For many patients, the size, shape and position of the breasts has been of concern for years and most report increased confidence and improved self-esteem following breast augmentation mastopexy surgery.

The increase in breast size, shape and position will be immediately apparent following breast augmentation mastopexy, however there may be a small amount of bruising and swelling which can last several weeks. The scars will undergo a natural maturation process involving a series of colour and texture changes over a period of around six months to two years. At Body Recon we offer complimentary laser scar revision at our Cosmetic Clinic to improve the appearance and feel of the scars.

The breast shape will change over the few months post-surgery and the final result can usually be judged at around six months. The results of a breast augmentation mastopexy are long lasting provided your operation is done at an age when your breasts have stopped growing and your skin density is good. Large fluctuations in weight and further pregnancies can lead to a change in breast size and shape and the normal age related effects on skin laxity can lead to a development of loose skin and a drooping of the breast tissue.

All breast implants will induce the formation of scar tissue around them (called a capsule) and, in some individuals, this can contract and become hard and painful and distort the shape of the breast. The rate of capsular contracture is around two percent. It is difficult to predict who will be affected by capsular contracture, at what time and to what extent. The average breast implants tend to last well over 10 years and in many patients a lifetime. All patients who undergo breast augmentation should accept that they may require further surgery at some stage either to release scar tissue or to remove or replace the implants.

A consultation with Dr Rahdon costs $190.00; for a cosmetic procedure there is no rebate. The first consultation for breast augmentation mastopexy generally takes about one hour. A consultation with Dr Rahdon is always required prior to surgery to determine suitability and to decide on breast implant size, technique and placement etc. A deposit of $50 is required to confirm your initial appointment with Dr Rahdon.

You will be required to complete a registration form for the clinic and your medical history will be reviewed. For those considering cosmetic surgery, Dr Rahdon will generally spend an hour discussing specific concerns as well as your possible procedural options. Photographs will be taken and you will receive an information pack. In order to get the most from your consultation with Dr Rahdon, it is strongly recommended that you learn a little about the procedure and work out what result you are hoping to achieve before you meet with him. If you already have a date in mind for your surgery and are keen to proceed, this can be booked during your first consultation.

For larger procedures, you will usually be encouraged to attend a second consultation (at no further cost). This allows time for you to consider all the information you have been given, prepare questions and conduct your own research. It also allows time for a cost estimate to be prepared and sent to you. A suitable date and time for your surgery will be organised and your breast implants will be ordered.

Before your operation you will need to go to Chez Ma Belle Lingerie, in Yarra Street, Geelong, to be fitted for a support garment. You need to bring this with you on the day of your surgery and it will be fitted immediately post-op, while you are still asleep. The support garment will need to be worn for 48hrs following your breast augmentation surgery.

Most commonly the scar is placed in the crease under your breast but can also be in the armpit or around the edge of the nipple. Dr Rahdon will discuss the best option for you during your initial consultation. As part of your surgical package with Dr Rahdon we offer complimentary laser scar revision at Body Recon Cosmetic Clinic to assist with healing and improve the appearance of scars.

You will be advised by your anaesthetist as to fasting times. On arrival at St John of God Day Surgery Centre you will be required to fill out some paperwork. From there you will be taken to your own private room and given a gown to change into. Your anaesthetist and Dr Rahdon will meet with you before your surgery and the nursing staff will look after you. Next stop is the anaesthetic room where you will be sedated and anaesthetised before being wheeled into the operating theatre. The operation takes about 90minutes. You will wake up comfortable (thanks to the local anaesthetic administered before your surgery), on the recovery ward. You will be monitored for a couple of hours after waking and discharged home with a friend or family member to care for you. You will be given medication to take home with you and instructions on how to use it. One of our nurses will call you within 24 hours to check on you following your surgery. You must avoid showering for 48hours post-surgery. Follow the link to view one of Dr Rahdon’s Breast Augmentation surgeries.

Major complications are uncommon following breast augmentation mastopexy. During your initial consultation Dr Rahdon will have a full discussion with you about the risks and complications of surgery. You will be given information about the procedure including potential complications and if you decide to go ahead with surgery these risks will be discussed again as part of the consenting process. Fortunately, with correct patient and procedure selection the risks are kept to an absolute minimum. You can be assured that Dr Rahdon will not agree to perform any cosmetic procedure unless he feels the benefits significantly outweigh any risks.

The reality is that you are in the best hands. If there are any complications Dr Rahdon and his staff will provide the best care. Breast implant rupture is a major source of hesitation when considering implants but a ruptured implant is very rare. Modern implants are made of a cohesive gel which means that even if the implant does rupture, it will not leak into the surrounding breast tissue.

Capsular contracture is another complication that concerns many people considering breast augmentation surgery. Capsular contracture is the hardening and contracture of the scar tissue around the implant which causes a distorted looking breast. Dr Rahdon uses the very latest techniques to assist in reducing the rate of capsular contracture.

Yes. In most cases Dr Rahdon will be happy to perform further procedures at the same time, provided these have been discussed in advance; it may be a good opportunity for excision of moles or skin lesions. It is also quite common for people to have other, more major, procedures such as rhinoplasty or abdominoplasy done at the same time as their breast surgery. A Mummy Makeover is a common request, combining an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)with a breast augmentation mastopexy.

It depends on what type of technique Dr Rahdon deems to be the most suitable for your surgery- he will discuss the best option for you during your initial consultation. As part of your surgical package with Dr Rahdon we offer complimentary laser scar revision at Body Recon Cosmetic Clinic to assist with healing and improve the appearance of scars.

You will be advised by your anaesthetist as to fasting times. On arrival at St John of God Day Surgery Centre you will be required to fill out some paperwork. From there you will be taken to your own private room and given a gown to change into. Your anaesthetist and Dr Rahdon will meet with you before your surgery and the nursing staff will look after you. Next stop is the anaesthetic room where you will be sedated and anaesthetised before being wheeled into the operating theatre. The operation takes 2-3 hours. You will wake up comfortable (thanks to the local anaesthetic administered before your surgery), on the recovery ward. You will be monitored for a couple of hours after waking and discharged home with a friend or family member to care for you. You will be given medication to take home with you and instructions on how to use it. One of our cosmetic nurse specialists will call you within 24 hours to check on you following your surgery. You must avoid showering for 48hours post-surgery. Follow the link to view one of Dr Rahdon’s breast augmentation mastopexy surgeries.

During the breast augmentation part, Dr Rahdon favours a Kellar funnel insertion which allows for a very small incision to be made, in most cases no greater than 3-5cms. This enables the implant to be inserted without being touched and greatly reduces the risk of capsular contracture.

Dr Rahdon performs all breast augmentation surgery at accredited hospitals. St John of God Day Surgery Centre feels much more like a day spa than a hospital… so relax! Most patients are able to go home on the same day.

Some patients never require revision surgery and will enjoy their implants for a lifetime. However some women may experience a change in body shape as a result of pregnancy, breastfeeding or weight fluctuations and might choose to undergo revision breast surgery to accommodate for this. In other instances, patients may simply change their minds with regards to how they would like their breasts to look.

We have a large number of patients who travel to Geelong in order to have their surgery performed by Dr Rahdon. For those that are performed as a day case, you will be required to stay overnight in the Geelong area – we can help arrange accommodation for you. You will be reviewed by Dr Rahdon the day after your surgery before returning home. Dr Rahdon usually likes to see patients for review appointments at two weeks, six weeks and three months. An alternative follow-up plan may be arranged depending on where you are travelling from. Of course you are welcome to contact us at any time or to make an extra appointment if you have any concerns.

With all surgical procedures there are three costs that need to be considered. These are the surgical fee, the anaesthetic fee and the hospital fee. Some procedures may be rebatable by your health fund, reducing the overall costs. However, breast augmentation is a cosmetic procedure and is not rebatable. The anaesthetic fee and hospital fee are dependent on the duration of the operation. Following your initial consultation you will be provided with a written estimate of the fees involved with the procedure. Dr Rahdon is very competitively priced for breast augmentation surgery. There is no fee for your follow-up appointments with Dr Rahdon.

Your surgical and anaesthetic fees are payable two weeks prior to your surgery. The hospital fee and any medications you are sent home with will be paid at the hospital on the day of your surgery.

Health insurance will not subsidise your breast augmentation procedure but may sometimes assist with the fees for mastopexy. It is highly recommended to have insurance to assist with possible adjustments/ revision surgery in the future.

  1. Dr Rahdon is a highly skilled, fully qualified Plastic Surgeon who performs many breast surgeries each year and specialises in more complex cases.
  2. We are able to offer you the best facilities – St John of God Day Surgery Centre in Geelong has been awarded one of the best surgery centres in Australia and Body Recon Cosmetic Clinic won runner-up best MediSpa in Australia in 2012.
  3. We are able to offer you the best post-operative care with on-call cosmetic nurse specialists and regular review appointments with Dr Rahdon to ensure you are 100% happy with your beautiful new breasts. In Geelong there is 24hour plastic surgeon cover for emergencies.
  4. Complimentary laser scar revision at Body Recon Cosmetic Clinic.
  5. Dr Rahdon will provide revision surgery where required- a luxury not offered for surgeries performed overseas.
  6. Dr Rahdon uses the most up-to-date equipment and techniques in order to provide the best results possible.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

Interested in learning more? Book a consultation today.